Hunter Winfrey 

close up shot of a bread with butter

Hunter Winfrey is 34 years old and currently lives in Llano, TX.  He is a behavioral therapist treating individuals with autism and other developmental disorders.  Hunter started writing, drawing, and painting when he was in elementary school and has been ever since.  He is a father and husband, and spends his free time making art and playing with his 8-year-old daughter.  He enjoys sitting on the back porch and going hunting and fishing.

Featured Poet

Tomorrow Before You

I went ahead and took my nighttime meds an hour early

so I can get to bed
and wake up again tomorrow before you

so I can roll over close
to watch you sleep for several minutes

so I can sneak out of bed
and make coffee stronger than you like it

so I can bring you a cup in your favorite mug
one splenda with a splash of milk

so I can smear enough butter on your toast
you can’t even tell it’s burnt

so I can pretend to read
and secretly watch you do youtube yoga before you hop in the shower

so I can hear the shower curtain scrape open before you pop out
to find your towel already damp because I used it earlier

so I can stare as you get dressed in front of the full-length mirror
that leans against the wall because I still haven’t hung it up

so I can worship the shadows on your lower back
while you put on your socks

dreading the moment you leave for work